Work With Me

Whether it’s wanting more abundance in your life or better communication with clients, family or friends, I can help you navigate with confidence and clarity.

Expand Your Profitability

Find your value to increase your income; retain your current clients while also filling your schedule months in advance. 

Attract the Clients YOU Want

From your studio space to client base, surround yourself with people who will need you– not just want you.

Boundary Setting

Whether its your session schedule or personal information, every professional needs to be clear in their own practice where they stand. 

Ready to level up? Interested in how I can help?
Fill out my intake form, and let’s talk.

Celebrity Clientele

Is it your goal to work on or travel with celebrities/wealthy clients to global destinations as a private message therapist?

Therapist for Professional Sports

Whether you want to become a massage therapist for a major sports team or individual player, here is the training you will need to accomplish this.

“My one-on-one lessons with Salvia were mindblowing. My massage practice has gone from barely having clients to being booked out months in advance.”
-Joshua Tilbalno

"No one is you, and that is your power"

Knowing how powerful you are is just one step closer to becoming everything you want to be. Not changing who you are, but using your unique personality and character to build a fulfilling life.